
Übungstermin / Übungskurs

Portrait Mirjam Luthe Mirjam Luthe
Kurstyp: Übungstermin / Übungskurs
Lehrende/r: Mirjam Luthe
Profil und Anmeldeinfos →
Termine: Sa, 08.10.
09:00 bis 19:30 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: Llatzeret Island in Menorca
07720 Plano de Lazareto
Beschreibung: Menorca Mindful faces the challenge of promoting a model of a conscious, present, committed and evolving society. We invite you all to participate and be part of the IV Menorca Mindful Days. 4 workshops offered by Mirjam Luthe: The natural world is an incredible source of support and inspiration for many of us. Mindfulness in nature helps develop awareness and intimacy with the earth and all life forms around us and informs how we care for and give back to it. In the midst of a growing ecological crisis, this course aims to inspire our inner self-compassionate wisdom and a sincere love for our planet. https://menorcamindful.com/

Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf den Lehrenden-Profilen.

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